Supporting our members
At Timebanking UK, we know timebanking! We’ve been supporting time banks with set-up and development since 2002, so we understand what they need to stay strong and effective.
We’ve helped hundreds of time banks get off the ground, offering clear guidance on how to set up from scratch, how to grow membership, and how timebanking can be effective in different settings.
We offer training, guidance and toolkits to support growing time banks, covering topics such as:
- initial development
- broker training
- sharing and developing best practice
- using our software
- specialist areas such as safeguarding and asset mapping
- timebanking in specific settings (such as care homes and prisons)
- developing regional hubs
- effective monitoring and evaluation
- training and paid mentoring opportunities, including bi-monthly learning events
Time Online 2, our bespoke software, is the most effective way of managing time bank membership and coordinating activities – it’s been developed in collaboration with time bank brokers.
Promoting our principles
As well as working to support our members, we actively spread the word about our model and values, lobbying policymakers, informing the media, and working with like-minded partners in business and the charity sector to enhance social inclusion and individual resilience.
We act as expert consultants to drive good practice within timebanking, as well as influencing policy and the broader conversation about social inclusion and defeating the twin scourges of loneliness and isolation.
We also work with organisations such as local councils, NHS bodies, housing associations and other charities to help them use timebanking as part of an effective service delivery.
Raising standards
We’re committed to maintaining and improving quality standards in timebanking across the UK and worldwide. We recommend safe working guidelines and policies which enable time bank projects to develop the systems and safeguards that will ensure a successful long-term future. We have also negotiated specific packages with a British insurance firm for Timebanking UK-affiliated time banks.
Time banks can also apply for the Timebanking UK Quality Mark™, which is awarded to time banks who can show they adhere to Timebanking UK’s five core values and that they’re working to develop, support and celebrate good timebanking practice as outlined by Timebanking UK.
Read more
Our Timebanking UK prospectus explains more about our work.
How we can help
Discover how timebanking can help you and your community.
Our wider impact
How adopting timebanking principles can benefit organisations and public services