For every hour’s help a member gives another, they receive one timebanking hour, which they can spend on receiving help. You might be able to give another time bank member a massage, help them with their mail, or chat to them on the phone for an hour or so. In turn, you might spend your timebanking hour on learning a language or instrument, or getting some help in your garden.
Rushey Green Time Bank
Our time bank is a community of diverse people who can find a project or a space where they can spend time and share skills with others as they wish. Whilst the exchange of skills is a core aspect of timebanking, our members are often in the time bank for the relationships and shared experiences of belonging, and feeling useful and valued in the projects and activities they partake in. By getting involved, our members help shape the ethos and values of the time bank.
Paxton Green Time Bank
Paxton Green Time Bank offer support to local people and organisations who wish to use co-production as part of their day-to-day activities and work with a broad range of organisational members and their communities. We are committed to supporting the growth of time banking in Southwark, Lambeth and nationally, by working in partnership with Timebanking UK.