our stories

Stroud: Supporting people in care home and sheltered housing

Eileen pictured at Stroud's Museum in the Park in front of the Budding lawnmower.
Eileen, a descendant of lawnmower pioneer Edwin Budding, pictured with her ancestor’s invention at Stroud’s Museum in the Park.

Former librarian Anna is a member of Fair Shares Stroud, the town’s time bank. She had been worried  that, once she’d retired, she’d miss the bustle and interest  of her job and the people she worked with and helped at the library. And, though as a talented artist and gardener with many  friends, she knew she wouldn’t be short of things to do, she wanted to do something for  her community. 

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St Neots: tackling isolation and homelessness

Members of the St Neots timebanking  at work clearing weeds from a patio.

St Neots is a thriving Cambridgeshire time bank with an active membership who love to take on new challenges. In March 2020, St Neots celebrated their eighth birthday – and they have helped people in all kinds of ways since they started in 2012.

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Broadway: how timebanking helped me to turn my life around

Paul Wilson of the Broadway Timebank
Paul Wilson: “My biggest satisfaction is seeing other people use my timebanking credits”

Paul Wilson used to run his own business before the breakdown of his marriage precipitated a descent into alcoholism and homelessness. He’s now a trustee of Broadway, the homelessness charity that helped him turn his life around through timebanking. Here’s his story.

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Nottingham: Timebanking helped my son realise his dream

Time bank member and her son at the graduation ceremony.
Sam’s mum donated her credits to help him reach his targets

Time credits can be transferred between time bank members and their family and friends. Here’s how a member of Nottingham time bank used her credits to support her son’s dream of going to university.

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Bath: Helping others to help yourself

Dennis pictured with some of his friends from the Bath time bank.

Dennis, who’s in his 50s, was referred to Bath time bank by social services and the local police because he had high support needs, could not read or write and often found himself in trouble with the law.

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Isle of Wight: everyone has something to offer

Sally from West Wight Time Bank picking potatoes grown in the time bank’s community garden.

Sally is the coordinator of West Wight Time Bank, the UK’s most southerly time bank – and the only one on an island. She tells us how timebanking can help everyone find skills they can offer to others.

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