
Sutton Time Bank

Welcome to Sutton Time Bank!
We officially launched in 2020. Sutton Time Bank aims to engage and bring together the community, creating social and practical support networks.
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Rushey Green Time Bank

Our time bank is a community of diverse people who can find a project or a space where they can spend time and share skills with others as they wish. Whilst the exchange of skills is a core aspect of timebanking, our members are often in the time bank for the relationships and shared experiences of belonging, and feeling useful and valued in the projects and activities they partake in. By getting involved, our members help shape the ethos and values of the time bank.

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Lee Fair Share

Lee Fair Share covers Lee and Hither Green and has been going for over ten years.  We are keen to recruit new members as we believe everyone has skills to share, for example, gardening, befriending, DIY.  In return you get an opportunity to ask for some help or attend the classes, groups, activities run by Lee Fair Share.  At the moment we offer Coffee, Cake and Company, two walking groups – Hare (for the less mobile) and Tortoise (for faster walkers), French, two bookclubs, chair exercise and pilates.

For more information about joining the Timebank or about our classes/groups please contact us.

Your spare time is valuable so invest it well.

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Our Time

We are a timebanking project which aims to tackle the social isolation faced by adults in the Liverpool area who live with mental health problems. The project takes a new approach by supporting individuals to engage with their local community, access services and rebuild their confidence.

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