A current Timebank member

Taking to regular bridge evening

Susan became house bound after her husband died and found it difficult to leave the house and keep up with her past schedule. Her local timebank found Carreen was free to pick her up on a Thursday evening for her weekly bridge… read the full story.

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A current Timebank member

Help after major surgery

After having major bowel surgery, I realised that I had limited capacity to undertake every day normal tasks and my mobility was limited. I approached Action for Children service for support in relation to benefits advice, and whilst there I noticed a poster advertising the More Nosh for Dosh group… read the full story.

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Fiona and Frances

Fiona and Frances team up

Fiona is a member of a Time Bank in Scotland, and so far has given 6 hours. She is a full time carer for her husband. Fiona joined the Time Bank to give some time doing something for herself. As a carer she likes the flexible nature of time banking…  read the full story

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