
Leith Time Bank

Leith Time Bank is an exciting idea that gives people, like you, the opportunity to share time and skills to develop your community.
We know everyone has skills, knowledge and experience to offer, which could be beneficial to someone, such as gardening, sewing, listening, simple repairs and running errands. Time Banking is a way for people to exchange their skills and time.

For every hour members “deposit” in a Time Bank, perhaps by giving practical help and support to others, they are able to “withdraw” equivalent support in time when they themselves are in need. Everyone’s time is valued equally whatever is being offered.

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Fair Shares Gloucester

Fair Shares set up the first time bank in the country and the Gloucester branch has been in operation and thriving since the year 2000. We have participants from all across the city from a diverse background of ages, cultures and abilities. We do all the usual timebanking activities, encouraging people to help others in the community through two-way acts of being a good neighbour. But we also have a number of different projects that participants take part in:

  • A community workshop where participants can learn woodworking or take part in community projects, such as making planters and benches for local schools or wooden sculptures for parks and the City Centre.
  • A community allotment which not only is about food growing but about creating a welcoming and friendly open space for the local neighbourhood. We regularly have events there such as art groups, activity days for kids and pizza sessions.
  • A weekly lunch group on Mondays which is a great time to share a meal but also for participants to meet up, socialise and find out what else may be happening during the week.
  • An arts and crafts group for people to explore their creative side.
  • A youth project where we encourage and support young people to help out in their communities through timebanking.
  • Lots of trips and outings throughout the year – after all we all want to have some fun!
  • We also link closely to lots of different community groups and provisions across the city to work together on larger Gloucester issues such as the holiday food and activities provision for school kids.

We like to think there’s something for everyone and are always open to new ideas about what to do next!

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Skills-Exchange-Nottingham in rebellious Nottingham was set up by community members in January 2017. We facilitate a variety of time exchanges, including clothing and electrical repairs, transport, gardening and IT skills. Our members include older people, retired professionals and people seeking work. Our time bank is open to everyone over 16, living in the city of Nottingham.

We have taken part in environmental and community events, and, when restrictions allow, run workshops and organise outings. We welcome new members and our brokers will give you all the help you need to get started.

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Timebanking Canada

Timebanking Canada Inc., a Canadian Federal Non-profit Corporation, has launched a project to set up a network of Timebanks in the different communities across Ottawa and the surrounding regions. The Timebanking Canada – Parent Timebank is first launching the Ottawa Timebank and will gradually expand into a network of community time banks across Ottawa and surrounding regions–a timebank for the members of a community, interest group, or ethnic group. Members may choose to belong to one or more community timebanks and reach out across communities to give and receive help.  We envision expanding our network of timebanks across communities in Eastern, Central, and Western Canada.

Timebanking is a simple concept of exchanging support and service with no money changing hands.

Timebanking aims to inspire people community-wide to exchange skills and help, supporting one another. This will reduce loneliness and isolation. Community sharing is done by giving a ‘time credit’ for each hour devoted to helping or serving someone. The ‘time credits’ earned can be used to receive a service from any other member, now or later. This is not a voluntary service. 

In Timebanking, ‘Time’ is the currency of exchange and everyone’s time is equal.

One hour = one hour, irrespective of qualification, income, position, or social status.  That creates a level playing field for allTimebanking thrives on the belief that everyone has something to give regardless of their age, ability, situation, or background. If you receive help, you, too, can give a service or skill in exchange. ‘Giving’ and ‘receiving’ on a reciprocal basis promote mutual respect and dignity. 

Our mission is to build positive social relationships and promote healthy communities.

We aim to bring people together by sharing skills, time, and goodwill with fellow community members—strengthening communities one hour at a time.

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